QOL (quality of life)
In the sense that " improve the quality of life and living " is used often in recent years , in the treatment of any disease , the term QOL is , so that the humanity of the " person is not lost , life worth living is guaranteed it means medical care " , such like that , desirable . With of course too , it does not mean that should be discussed , but too late , diabetes is a chronic disease , but because of lifestyle daily dominates a medical condition .
In addition, the view of life both largely due to the fact that relevant self- management such as dietary restrictions , involved in consideration at all times to improve the QOL comes to important summer . Can diabetes patients take the role behavior as a member of society , or , as one man , be a lot of fun further , that is a life deep Tsute and meaning to their own , in order to end up as far as it can be aware of the quality of oneself help is , I think the medical original ?
Final point of diabetes
In recent years , people opportunities to be found diabetes of older people from middle-aged in the spread of health diagnosis increases, must be self- management such as diet and exercise limits , would have been bound freedom has increased . It is possible without causing the specific complications , live life normally , but the goal of diabetes treatment is the base .
Be maintained in a state close to normal as possible the blood glucose level is extremely important in the treatment of diabetes at any age , but patients are sent a "diabetes life " for many years , together a variety of abnormal physical because it is summer , you will while bearing in mind the characteristics of the human disease of the individual , I must think of Ika control of blood sugar .
For example , even when well , blood sugar control is putting the cart before the horse by performing a strict control in the elderly bone is brittle summer , with fracture patients fell in the attack of low blood sugar how .
In addition , low blood sugar , so lead to worsening of the condition , a patient who is complicated by retinopathy of altitude , must be careful .
to respect the view of life and way of life h4>
An element that can not be ignored view of life on the go to treatment . And " If you do not eat the thing you want to eat , boring even alive " etc. " insipid also life " , in patients that have such a view of life , it will not work Some also this and also to force dietary restrictions . I will come to need some flexibility . In particular , patients who have an illness of several decades from a young age , is that with the belief structure of the mind and its own way .
The flexible ? Response , " what may be eaten because the elderly short -pointed " or , it does not warrant that such information is referred to as " may ignore the blood glucose level ." Not limited to the elderly , the same for patients of prime middle-aged , I should also respect outlook on life and way of life of the individual .
Diabetes is a chronic disease . Must Ika there life with . Thats why you find that either the treatment of diabetes , the contact of life in any per I come into the picture . In that sense , QOL is , is something that can not be ignored in any way in the treatment of diabetes.