Effective aerobic exercise

The exercise , there is anaerobic exercise and aerobic exercise . Of that aerobic exercise is the movement while walking or jogging , and swimming , breathing in a relaxed , move the body a certain amount of time . As 100 meters dash and push-ups , and that anaerobic exercise , on the other hand , is a movement to move the body rapidly in a short period of time .


The exercise to burn body fat , to burn calories , aerobic exercise has been facing . For a while , is used as the energy ( carbohydrate ) glycogen stored in the muscle , and that it also does not mean that the fuel is fat as soon as it started to exercise . Muscle glycogen is consumed all and about 20 minutes for the first exercise , then the fat comes to be used as fuel . That is , since the start of moving the body , fat will be used, in about 20 minutes , to be continued for 20 minutes or more motion , I would tips to eliminate visceral obesity .


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